Robotic Arms
for In-Orbit-Servicing
Increasing the lifetime of space devices and
their economic and environmental sustainability.
IDRA. Inflatable and Deployable Robotic Arm
IDRA is a robotic arm made by inflatable links and electric-actuated rigid joints.
When the robot is stored, volume is saved packing the links, the bulkiest part of the system.
When the robot is deployed, it can reach every part of the satellite with its large workspace.
Large Workspace
64x larger than traditional manipulators
High Performance
High payload at low pressure
High stiffness, vibration damping with advanced materials
Patented mechanism
for deployment and retraction
Self-Maintenance of Satellites
Medium-large satellites are valuable assets.
However, maintenance operations are currently not performed.
Unexpected failures can disrupt functionality and significantly impact revenue streams.
Close-range inspection
Fault detection
Failed deployments
Module replacement
Augmentation modules
Refueling pods
Progetto IDRA, finanziato dal Programma NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile (codice ECS 00000036) del PNRR – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” INVESTIMENTO 1.5, “Creazione e rafforzamento di “Ecosistemi dell’innovazione” costruzione di “leader Territoriali di R&S” - Bando PoC Accademici a valere sui fondi CUP E13B22000020001 – Spoke 1